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Fourth Grade


Note to Parents

Happy second to last week before Winter Break!

We have many Tardy 4th Graders each day for school. The students need to be in their classrooms before 7:30 to be considered on time. If your child needs/wants to eat breakfast they should be walking into the building as close to 7:15 as possible.  


Also, we work on our Spelling Packets right away in the morning. So, if your child needs to eat at school the sooner they get here the better. 

We would appreciate any reminders you can give your child about school starting at 7:30. The expectation is that they should be in their seat working on their Spelling when the bell rings.

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Monday, December 18 - Family Tree Presentation - if you DO NOT want your child to be present for this talk sign and return the slip on the back of this letter 

Dec. 25 - Jan 5 Winter Break

January 12 - Energy and U field trip to the U of M

February 5 (H & T) & 9 (P) 

Como Planetarium



Read Aloud: Idioms 




Reader’s Workshop: 

Types of Poems:

  •  Limericks, haiku, concrete, free verse, lyrical

Writer’s Workshop:

  • Writing Body Paragraphs

  • Writing a Conclusion


  • Multiplying with 10’s

  • Estimate Products

  • Relate Area Models and Partial Products

  • Multiply with Partial Products

  • Multiply with ReGrouping

Social Studies

  • Health and Nutrition:

What’s on My Plate?



5 Food Groups