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Dress and Tennis Shoe Policy

Dear families,

Please make sure your child can tie their own shoes in a double knot.  All students should be able to tie shoes for safety reasons.  Untied shoes can cause children to trip and fall or cause someone else to fall.  Some children may need a little more practice than others, but the skill can be learned. Students are so proud when they can tie their own shoes.

Thank you parents who have taught your child to tie his/her shoes.  :)

On the days your child has physical education class they should be dressed for physical activity, and wearing tennis shoes with a heel, that lace up or velcro tight. When it is warm outside, sandals are not appropriate and in the winter, boots are not allowed. Some units will require specific clothing. For example, during our gymnastics unit, clean socks must be worn and no skirts are allowed unless shorts or pants are worn underneath. I will inform your child of specific clothing requirements at the beginning of every new unit.


Students forgetting tennis shoes will be able to borrow a pair from me once per month.  After that, they will not be able to participate. 


Ms. Paulsen