Speed Stacks
Speed Stacks!
Speed Stacks is like a "track meet for your hands"!
Over 20,000 schools have speed stacking as part of their PE curriculum!
Speed stacks helps to improve hand eye coordination, quickness, ambidexterity, focus and concentration. Stacking also helps "train the brain" for sports and well as other activities which use both hands such as playing a musical instrument or using the computer!
Speed Stacks also meets NASPE standards for quality Physical Education.
Definition of quality PE:
- teach a variety of physical education activities that make physical education class fun and enjoyable
- create maximum opportunities for students of all abilities to be successful
- promote student honesty, integrity and good sportsmanship
- guide students into becoming skillful and confident movers
- assist students in setting and achieving personal goals
- provide specific, constructive feedback to help students master motor skills
- afford opportunities for students to succeed in cooperative and competitive situations
- prepare and encourage students to practice skills and be active for a lifetime