Ms. Weisman's Schedule
Ms. Weisman’s Third Grade Schedule
7:15-7:55am Opening Rituals
Morning Work/Meeting (Math Review, Geography, Health)
7:55-8:25am Writer’s Workshop
8:25-9:20am Tech/Performing Arts (Tuesday - Thursday)
Social Studies (Monday and Wednesday)
Writers Workshop/Class History (Friday)
9:20-10:10am Specialists
(PE, Art, Science, Tech)
10:10-10:25 Snack and Skills
(Words Their Way, Cursive, Vocabulary Work)
*These topics will also be woven into Readers and Writers Workshop!
10:25-11:25am Math
(Instruction and Independent Work/Flex Groups)
11:35-12:05 Lunch
12:05-12:35 Readers Workshop Part I
(Mini-Lessons, Guided Reading, Independent Reading and Book Clubs)
12:35-1:00pm Recess
1:00-1:45pm Readers Workshop Part II
(Mini-Lessons, Guided Reading, Independent Reading and Book Clubs)
1:45-1:55pm Closing Rituals
Sharing/Story time - Community Building
2:00 Dismissal