Prospective Parents
As you begin the search for your child’s school, we know that you are excited by this new stage in your child’s life. Likewise, you are probably challenged by the choices you and your child have. We have designed this section of our website to help you in the decision-making process.
We also invite you to visit the school. Our open house will be on Monday, January 28, 2019, from 5:30 to 6:30. Weekly tours will be available in January, February and March. Call the school office at (651) 293-8735 to make tour arrangements.
- What co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are offered?
- Who is the principal?
- How safe is the school?
- What are the demographics?
- What opportunities for parent involvement exist?
- How do I enroll my child at St. Anthony Park Elementary School?
- What do the students say about Saint Anthony Park?
What co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are offered?
• The library is an open and inviting space located in the center of the building.
• The physical education program is taught by a full-time phys ed teacher.
The program includes the annual track and field days held in beautiful Langford Park, adjacent to the school playground.
There is also a springtime running club that culminates with participants running in a professionally-timed, 1-mile race. Over 200 students participate each year!
• There are weekly classes for students with an art specialist in the art room. Students paint, draw and sculpt clay pieces that are fired in the school’s own ceramic kiln.
• Students also study art history through the Minneapolis Institute of Art’s “Art Adventure” program.
When you visit the school, be sure to see the “I Spy—Spider Tree” mosaic near the office. It was a 2008 community art project inspired by the MIA program.
• The school partners each year with community arts organizations such as COMPAS, (a non-profit organization based in St. Paul, a widely-used resource for artist-residencies) and In the Heart of the Beast, a puppet and theatre company. These organizations work with SAP Elementary staff and students to customize residencies.
Every year, In the Heart of the Beast does a residency at the school with fourth grade that culminates in an original student-led performance.
• All students study vocal and instrumental music with the school’s full-time vocal music teacher.
The curriculum also includes reading and writing music, the study of music history and exciting performance opportunities.
Students in grades four and five may also choose to play in the school’s band and orchestra.
• Inquiry science: Every week, students engage in hands-on learning in science class with a full-time science teacher. Highlights include the annual science fair (for third to fifth grade students) and “Family Science Nights.”
• Environmental learning: The school has its own prairie garden and field trips include visits to Belwin Outdoor Science and overnight trips to environmental learning centers such as Camp St. Croix, and Wolf Ridge in northern Minnesota. Our Active Inquiry teacher works with students in younger grades out in the Langford School Forest, learning about the environment and the ecology of the land around us.
• There is a Peace Garden created in honor of the school’s designation as a Peace Site. The peace poles that stand there underscore the school’s commitment to learning about peaceful and non-violent conflict resolution, human rights and economic justice.
• The ELL (English Language Learners) program supports nearly 100 students who have a home language other than English (Spanish, Marathi, Chinese, Hmong, Tigrinya, German, Somali, Vietnamese, Finnish, Hebrew, Norwegian, Korean, Tamil, Hindi, Lithuanian and Bengali).
• SAP Elementary is a Discovery Club site, offering excellent and convenient childcare services.
• There is a friendly extended day learning (EDL) that offers academic assistance and enrichment opportunities to students. A math resource teacher support students during the school day.
• Destination ImagiNation, a competitive activity for students that requires creative problem solving and teamwork, is popular at the school. The school’s teams regularly advance to regional competition.
• The enrichment opportunities continue after school through SPPS Community Education offerings. There are classes in Spanish, art, engineering, creative writing, music, and other subjects.
• Many students participate in classes and recreation programs at nearby Langford Park.
Who is the principal?
The Saint Anthony Park Elementary School community is excited to be under the leadership of principal, Ann Eaton Johnson. Ann grew up in St. Paul, attended St. Paul Public Schools, and has worked for St. Paul Schools for 30+ years. She spent her first two decades as a kindergarten teacher before moving into administration.
When thinking back on her own school days, Ann acknowledges that it was more about fact memorization and creating your own source of information by memorizing as much as you could. She compares those experiences with those of the children at SAP who are living in a fast changing world. Whereas her learning was focused on facts, she sees resourcefulness, critical thinking and problem-solving as core elements of learning and essential to ensure a child’s success in this new world.
To learn more about Ann, visit her Principal’s Page.
To contact Ann directly, call 651-293-8735 or email her at
Other ways to connect with Ann include;
-Chatting with her during arrival or dismissal
-Private meetings are always available by appointment
Ann Eaton Johnson is one of the first people you will meet when visiting the school. You will see that she sets a warm and welcoming tone for children and families.
How safe is the school?
Our school is located in Saint Anthony Park, a St. Paul neighborhood well known for its small town feel in the middle of the city. The school thrives in great part because of the safe and strong community surrounding it.
Additionally, Principal Ann Eaton Johnson leads the school community in high expectations for student behavior. She oversees the discipline procedures in the school and joins teachers in talking to students about subjects such as bullying and promoting behaviors that make a safe learning environment.
Saint Paul Schools’ District Data Center supports our claim that Saint Anthony Park Elementary is one of the safest schools anywhere. The result is that children can focus on learning and building healthy and nurturing relationships.
What are the demographics?
Saint Anthony Park Elementary is a neighborhood school that draws from "Area E" in the SPPS district.. We have students from all over the city and all over the world. Many of our students come from the international student community at the University of Minnesota. Our students have the opportunity to learn and grow with all types of students.
2015-2016 Enrollment
Students who identify themselves as American Indian, 1%
Students who identify themselves as Asian American, 12%
Students who identify themselves as African American, 14%
Students who identify themselves as Hispanic American, 7%
Students who identify themselves as Caucasian American, 66%
Students in English Language Learning, 16%
Students in Special Education, 7%
Students eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch, 25%
What opportunities for parent involvement exist?
Families are welcome and key partners in student learning. Everyone is a member of SAPSA, the school’s parent teacher organization It raises thousands of dollars and recruits hundreds of volunteers every year in its mission to support, encourage, and enhance the learning at St. Anthony Park School.
Because the volunteer base is so strong, SAP Elementary offers more than the usual amount of school enrichment opportunities. For example, it takes many volunteer hours each spring during the annual “Celebration of Talent,” a trio of events that includes an art show, publication of the literary journal, and the Talent Show. Last year, volunteers helped hang over 350 pieces of student artwork in the hallways, assisted in the publication of student essays and poems and produced the evening talent show that featured dancers, comedians, musicians, magicians, jugglers and actors.
Believe*Achieve Tutoring Program
We are always looking for volunteer tutors for our tutoring program. There are opportunities for one-on-one or small group tutoring in math and/or reading during the school day. All are welcome, no previous teaching experience necessary! Orientation/training provided by the VISTA Tutoring Coordinator, extra trainings offered through the Saint Paul Public Schools Foundation.
Please contact our Tutoring Coordinator for more information:
Molly Hottman
(651) 744-3787
How do I enroll my child at St. Anthony Park Elementary School?
Students not currently enrolled in SPPS must complete an application and schedule an intake appointment at the Student Placement Center. All students new to the district (including kindergartners) must apply to a school, even if attending the neighborhood attendance area school.
Applications become available in January for the 2013-14 school year. They can be picked up in our school office. To download an application form, go to The deadline for applications is February 15.
If you live in the St. Anthony Park Elementary School neighborhood attendance area, as defined by the SPPS Student Placement Office, indicate St. Anthony Park Elementary on your district application form and attend the school’s fall orientation. For more information, call the school office at (651) 293-8735.
If you live in the St. Anthony Park Elementary School designated reassignment neighborhood you may also apply to St. Anthony Park Elementary. If space is available, the school and district will approve your enrollment.
If you live outside of the St. Anthony Park Elementary School designated neighborhood or reassignment area, you may apply to the Student Placement Office for a transfer to St. Anthony Park School. Enrollment is authorized if space is available. However, you will have to furnish transportation for your child.
Additionally, if your child will be going to, or coming from, a care provider who is located in either the St. Anthony Park School neighborhood or reassignment neighborhood, you may be eligible to enroll your child, even if you do not live in either of these neighborhoods. Contact the Student Placement Office for more information about applying for a daycare permit.
You can determine your attendance area school by using the STUDENT FINDER at, or by contacting Placement Center staff at 651-632-3760.
Mail or bring the school application to:
Student Placement Center
Saint Paul Public Schools
2102 University Ave. W.
Saint Paul, MN 55114
What do the students say about Saint Anthony Park?
“I like the teachers. They are really nice and they work together. One of my teachers needed dice and another teacher shared with her. They make me feel safe and comfortable at school.”
-- Annika, third grade
“I like the computer lab, music class, Spanish and gym.”
--Dixon, Kindergarten
“St, Anthony Park School is a great school because there are good teachers and good strategies to teach the kids—like how to do multiplication and division.”
-James Steinmann, fourth grade